Sunday, May 25, 2014

Let's run and splash! (with Photo's)

 So now that we are "sheepless", I have to find other ways to keep the dog/s amused.

My boy Jock is sheepdog through and through. He seemed somewhat mortified when a search of the property revealed that there was nothing for him to chase and round up!

I usually just take him for a run by himself, but this doesn't really burn off all the extra energy he seems to have, so occasionally I'll take him out with Peppa (my bitch puppy - I know she's over 12 months old, but I'll consider her a puppy until she's about 18 months old).

When together, these two run really hard and have a wow of a time. Peppa seems almost obsessed with the water in the dam, but Jock knows how cold it is, and no amount of tempting by Peppa will convince him to go more than ankle deep, unless he's really hot!

Anyway, whilst I was at work, my husband took the two of them for a run, and the photo's show the results. It's difficult to get photo's of Jock because he is almost constantly at your feet.

Peppa (L), Jock (R) sprinting around the wall of the dam.

Peppa trying to entice Jock into the dam. He's not buying it!

Peppa enjoying the feeling of mud between the toes. She's a sucker for the dam, and seems to find it difficult to understand why Jock isn't in there playing with her!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

From this to this (With Photo's)

Looking through photographs, I found this of our little girl Peppa, followed by one taken about 6 months later!

 Those ears!

Peppa doing her "Gosh I'm Sweet" face!

Snakes, sunrises and sunsets (With Photo's)

Whilst searching through some old photo's on my computer, I found these couple.

The snake is either a Tiger or a Copperhead. We don't get much in the way of Brown Snakes, and in the last 5 and a half years, I've only ever seen 2 Red-Bellied Black Snakes.

Given it's size, I wasn't really interested in stopping it to ask for a species clarification!

The wall where the snake is, is our garage, and is less than 20 feet from the house!

The next is of a glorious sunset.

Sunrise, almost at 5:30AM. The fog was thick enough that I was reduced from doing 100kph down to 40kph for the majority of my 20 kilometre trip!
More photo's to come in the next few days!

Jock & Peppa at play (With Photo's)

This afternoon I decided to take Jock and Peppa for a run. I'm in the process of pulling fences down, so the dogs have almost the entire property to run in.

After a quick dash around the grassy paddock, I took them over to the dam for a drink. Just a drink.

This is what happened.

No cajolling by Peppa will convince Jock that the water is as lovely as she says it is.

This photo is probably the one and only time I will get a photo of these two remotely behaving themselves!

Jock is very switched on to me, and will pad along quietly beside or behind me. He's never far away, unless I cast him out on sheep. Peppa is a totally different story. She couldn't care less if I'm there or not, and will happily go wandering all by herself. She almost seems offended if I call her back!

That's the difference between Pack Raised, and Human Raised.

Jock is happy by my side, Peppa has exploring to do, and if I choose to tag along I should just stay out of her way whilst she's busy!

Don't forget to visit my Store! All proceeds to go to purchasing sheep for these two to work!

When the weather is nice (with photo's)

Now that we are coming into winter, I've been looking through the photo's to see what's there, and remembering those lovely warm days.

Below are a couple of them:

Pippa (White Boxer), either teaching or trying to drown Peppa (BC Bitch Puppy)
 It wont get stuck he says, I think he was wrong! We used my old Range Rover to unbog this Range Rover, again!
 When you cant pull the suction hose out of the dam from the edge, there's only one thing for it. Make yourself a raft and paddle out to the middle using a leaf rake. My son James enjoyed this, however he did get a little wet in the bottom department!
 This little patchy ram lamb was one of triplets. Their mum, Aretha, raised them all without help from us!
A lovely double rainbow just up the hill from our place. The large gum tree to the left of the photo is no-longer after a lightning strike, causing the Wedge Tailed Eagles to find a new nesting tree.

Again guys, remember to check out my store!

Every dollar raised goes to buying some more sheep so Jock (and young Peppa) have stock to work!

A New Puppy (with Photo's)

Late last year I embarked on a search for a Border Collie Bitch Puppy.

After some ringing around, and lots of waiting, I came across this gorgeous little girl, who my daughter named Peppa. Probably not the best name in the world, given that our old White Boxer is called Pippa. I didn't really see the harm in it though, given that Pippa rarely answers to her name!

Below are a couple of photo's of the day we picked little Miss Peppa up.


This little girl is an April Fools baby, born on the 1st April 2013.

A New Year (With Photo's)

Well, so much has happened since I last posted up a blog, so I'll try to recap it all for you.

Jock has worked his little paws to the bone keeping control of our sheep, at least, that was until we sold them all.

We went from 60 something ewes and lambs, down to 15, and now we have none.

However, before we sold the sheep, Jock was really kept on his toes. We're doing a lot of earthworks in the paddocks here at the moment so it was necessary to move the sheep around quite a bit to keep the grass under control and keep them in dry conditions. The earth works we are doing are primarily to divert all of the excess water we get over winter which normally drowns out paddocks!

Anyway, here are a few photo's that I took of Jock in various poses, pushing sheep, holding sheep and cooling off in the dam, on a freezing cold day!

Also, to help raise some money to buy more sheep now that the earthworks are under way, I've opened an eStore:

All proceeds with go towards buying another handful of sheep to continue Jocks work!