Sunday, June 30, 2013

Jock got worked, and worked, and worked again!

It was decided that we'd be drenching all of our ewes tomorrow (Monday), and seeing as how Jock hasn't had much work (once in the last 3 weeks), I thought it a good idea to take him out into the paddock and put him through his paces a bit. Usually, running him cold is a disaster. If you are prepared to put up with him not listening, and you having to raise your voice a bit, then the next time he goes out (even if it's half an hour later), he'll be switched on.

Ahh, the exuberance of youth!

So, because he has taken to trying to bolt off after the sheep as soon as we get into the paddock, I kept him on-lead until I was ready. As expected, he forgot about the lead and went to bolt off around the sheep. I had a good grip, and he did the most artistic cartwheel when he hit the end of the lead. Needless to say, he was not happy, however he did stay nice and close to my leg until I was ready, and didn't need reminding once!

Well, the ewes (33 adults with 9 lambs at foot) were spread out over two paddocks, so our first task was to group them all up. This was done with ease and then we moved them all into an open paddock. With Jock working easily from one side to the other, he moved the sheep in every direction I asked. He even left one ewe (and her lamb) alone when I told him to. (The ewe has a sore foot so I didn't want her running).

After this, we went out to the paddock with the newly weaned lambs (and the old ram). These lambs have never been worked by the dog unless they were still on their mums. It was rather entertaining to say the least. Jock got rather frustrated because they wouldn't all stay together. They wanted to split into groups of 3 or 4 and go off and do their own thing. One ram lamb challenged him quite a lot, and to stop any bad habits forming (where the lamb wont move for the dog, or Jock becomes sticky), I ended up walking up to the lamb, scooping him up and putting him with the rest.

Now for the best part!

We had a visitor come over who wanted to have a look at the lambs, so I took Jock out to bring them up. Not only did he bring them all up to me in a group (with the big old ram included), but he penned them for me too! What a smart dog!

So, Jock had a great day, I'm totally exhausted from running around the paddock, and we're all set for tomorrow when he have to move both groups of sheep up to the yards, but keep them separated.

Will supply photo's of tomorrow's workout if we can spare the hands to take them.

Peppa is coming along nicely

Well, Miss Peppa is now three months old.

She hasn't really had a shot on sheep yet because she is still a bit young, but she does like to give them a good telling off from the other side of the fence.

Lately we've been doing some trick training. It isn't because I want a dog that can do a lot of tricks, it's because I wanted to give her something to do. A bored puppy is sure to get into trouble very quickly!

So, in the last three weeks she has learnt to do a number of things.

1) Sit - she gets this right about 98% of the time.
2) Drop - this is done with great gusto and usually involves her body slamming the ground with full force. The 'drop' is new to her and she gets it done about 50% of the time.
3) Give - this is when I want her toy. She doesn't drop it into my hand, she will, however, release her grip on it if I am holding the toy.
4) Towel - she goes and collects her 'towel' (an old hand towel we no-longer use) from her box of toys.
5) Mat - yesterday I bought her a basket to sleep in. She isn't in it very often yet because he can't be trusted to stay put just yet, but she has figured out that when I give the command "Mat", she goes and sits in it.
6) Shake - usually she prefers to shake hands with her right paw, but is learning to swap to the left as well.

So, for a young pup, she is going really well with her training. The only thing she doesn't do all the time is to come when called. This is where having her on the lead is handy because I can do the "Ultimate Power" thing and bring her to me no-matter where she is. She doesn't really agree with this, but hopefully she'll realise that it's a good idea to do as she's told.

I'll update with photo's of her, and the others soon!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Some more photo's of the girls

Today I took the opportunity to get a couple of photo's of Peppa, which is much easier said than done. By myself, there was no way to keep her still!
Fortunately, my new phone (Kogan Agora) has a pretty quick reset on the camera so I managed to get a couple done.

I also got a nice photo of Bobby.

Does anyone remember the old pen I kept Jock in when he was a puppy? It was on wheels, had a red lid etc etc (scroll down near the start of this blog and you'll see his pen). Anyway, Bobby has moved into this pen now, and is currently sound asleep on an old doona in my sons room.
She was perfectly quiet overnight (although she woke James up at about 0630 to go to the toilet. When she was put out on her chain, she went to the toilet. She was then put into her day pen, where she proceeded to bark constantly and shred her bedding. The minute James shows his face again, she is quiet and content. This leads me to believe that she is suffering from separation anxiety. Her history also helps with this diagnosis.
When she had her leg operated on, and was in poor condition, she probably would have been attended to constantly by her owners, not to mention the vets. As soon as the leg had healed, she was put back onto her chain outside near another dog, quite a distant from the house. So she's probably pretty sure she's done something wrong, that's why she's behaving the way she is.

Anyway, she seems to be improving, and is quite happy in her new bedroom!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Not Jock, or even Peppa - this time, it's Bobby!!! (with photo's)

To all of those people out there in the world, do everyone a favour. If you are planning on getting a dog, treat it right. Take the time to understand it's behaviours and why it does something. Learn to "read" the dog. Learn what it likes and doesn't like. Teach is manners. Exercise it, and keep it healthy. Regular worming, a good balanced diet, routine and love. Then, when the time comes that the dog needs a new home (we never set out to buy a dog with the option of rehoming it), at least it shouldn't come with truckloads of baggage, and be a well behaved member of 'Our' society.
Again, we are faced with a dog that has a lot of baggage. Barks constantly, digs everywhere, bites at her feet when she's too excited, petrified of anything that may be used to hit her, and begs constantly to be loved rather than punished. This girl has been through a world of hurt, and doesn't trust humans too easily. The sad thing is, she's not even two years old yet!
My son has taken on training her at the moment. I started the work, but she is fearful of me, and as I have done nothing to hurt her, I am lead to believe that it was a woman who did all the damage.

Bobby is two years old in October. She has suffered through major surgery to have the ball of her right hip removed. We were told that she was found on the side of the road in October of last year in an emaciated state and with a broken hip. The hip ball was removed and she was 'cared for'.

When we got her, she was approximately 8 kilograms underweight. Her coat was dry and sparse, and she had no idea who she was.

We found out that the story we were told may not have been 100% correct.

These photo's were taken about 2 weeks after she arrived. At this stage she was still on 6 small meals a day. A little bit of exercise (her back leg was giving her a lot of trouble) and plenty of attention.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The second round of lambies born, with PHOTO'S!!!

This bunch of ewes started lambing (second group) about 2 weeks ago. From what I can tell, we still have a couple of ewes to go!

Enjoy the photo's!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

A new sheepdog puppy! Meet Peppa (with photos)

Peppa came to us on Thursday 30th May. She's a purebred Border Collie girl that is bred from working lines.

A little sweety by nature, she's fitting in beautifully with the family and even had a go at chasing one of the stray ewes today.

When the ewe ran off, Peppa took off in hot pursuit. The ewe, in her wisdom, tried to run through the fence to get away from this little puppy. Whilst I untangled the ewe, my husband picked up the pup, but not before she gave the ewe a really good telling off!

Even when I had freed the ewe, and had sent her in the direction of the other mob of sheep, Peppa voiced her displeasure at being held (or was it because she caught the ewe and I was letting it go) and proceeded to complain whilst in the arms of my husband.

On the way back up to the house, little Peppa grew another 2 inches taller she was that proud of herself! Her tail was up and wagging, her head held high and she was one happy, and a little tired, little puppy.

A long, messy afternoon!

A couple of days ago we decided it was time to bring all of the sheep in, drench them all (lambs included) and draft off the sale ewes. This we did.

However, we needed to move the sheep and lambs through two paddocks before pushing them into the paddock with the yards in it. We had to leave one ewe behind as she had lambed only a couple of days beforehand and I didn't want her to go into the yards and risk her lamb getting injured in the squash up!

So, with the help of my husband on the quad bike, and Jock, we proceeded to try and bring them up. Jock hadn't had much work due to all the ewes lambing recently and the fact that most of our property is without grass and under water and soggy. We don't tend to do much with the sheep during these times, and as it is starting to get really cold, I don't want the dog chasing the sheep around and running any fat off them.

Well, Jock had his ears painted on. I must say that I lost my temper with him a couple of times, and had to yell quite a bit. In the end, he settled down, burnt off his excess energy and enthusiasm, and started working solidly. He brought all of the ewes up quietly and with some help from the kids, we pushed the sheep into the yards.

After drafting off the sellers, I used Jock to take them to the other side of the property into the sale paddock (this has good grass and is usually kept for fattening). He worked quite well but was still a bit disobedient. When this was done, we went back to the yards to take the second group back to their paddock. We had to retrieve the ewe and lamb we had left behind and push her back into the mob, but Jock had trouble seeing her due to it getting dark quite quickly.

In the end, with all of us tired and a lot muddier than we started out, we got the job done and got to rest for the night.

Jock did the job, and although it was a help, he certainly wouldn't have won any awards for his efforts!