Well, Miss Peppa is now three months old.
She hasn't really had a shot on sheep yet because she is still a bit young, but she does like to give them a good telling off from the other side of the fence.
Lately we've been doing some trick training. It isn't because I want a dog that can do a lot of tricks, it's because I wanted to give her something to do. A bored puppy is sure to get into trouble very quickly!
So, in the last three weeks she has learnt to do a number of things.
1) Sit - she gets this right about 98% of the time.
2) Drop - this is done with great gusto and usually involves her body slamming the ground with full force. The 'drop' is new to her and she gets it done about 50% of the time.
3) Give - this is when I want her toy. She doesn't drop it into my hand, she will, however, release her grip on it if I am holding the toy.
4) Towel - she goes and collects her 'towel' (an old hand towel we no-longer use) from her box of toys.
5) Mat - yesterday I bought her a basket to sleep in. She isn't in it very often yet because he can't be trusted to stay put just yet, but she has figured out that when I give the command "Mat", she goes and sits in it.
6) Shake - usually she prefers to shake hands with her right paw, but is learning to swap to the left as well.
So, for a young pup, she is going really well with her training. The only thing she doesn't do all the time is to come when called. This is where having her on the lead is handy because I can do the "Ultimate Power" thing and bring her to me no-matter where she is. She doesn't really agree with this, but hopefully she'll realise that it's a good idea to do as she's told.
I'll update with photo's of her, and the others soon!
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