Today I took the opportunity to get a couple of photo's of Peppa, which is much easier said than done. By myself, there was no way to keep her still!
Fortunately, my new phone (Kogan Agora) has a pretty quick reset on the camera so I managed to get a couple done.
I also got a nice photo of Bobby.
Does anyone remember the old pen I kept Jock in when he was a puppy? It was on wheels, had a red lid etc etc (scroll down near the start of this blog and you'll see his pen). Anyway, Bobby has moved into this pen now, and is currently sound asleep on an old doona in my sons room.
She was perfectly quiet overnight (although she woke James up at about 0630 to go to the toilet. When she was put out on her chain, she went to the toilet. She was then put into her day pen, where she proceeded to bark constantly and shred her bedding. The minute James shows his face again, she is quiet and content. This leads me to believe that she is suffering from separation anxiety. Her history also helps with this diagnosis.
When she had her leg operated on, and was in poor condition, she probably would have been attended to constantly by her owners, not to mention the vets. As soon as the leg had healed, she was put back onto her chain outside near another dog, quite a distant from the house. So she's probably pretty sure she's done something wrong, that's why she's behaving the way she is.
Anyway, she seems to be improving, and is quite happy in her new bedroom!
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