So, I messaged my mentors (Andy and Gill) again to let them know how Jock was going. Basically I was bragging about how well I thought we did today. One thing that Andy did point out to me though, which I have noticed as I go back through the mountain of photo's, is that Jock is in fact, way too close to the sheep. I knew he was getting in close, but I didn't realise just how close until I saw it in the photo's.
Rather than Andy turning around and stating that he wasn't doing as well as I thought he was, he gave me a way (with explicit instructions) to cure Jock of this habit.
Him coming in too close is the reason that he can't control the sheep out in the paddock! So, we must master giving the sheep room before we can move on to the next stage.
Oh, and I must say thank you to Andy for giving my orange training stick a new nickname. It shall forever be called the 'fly swat' hehe
So, out to the training pen we go to see if I can get Jock to give the sheep more room. Maybe it'll also have the effect of slowing him down just a little. Hubby says he's taking the camera to get more shots, but I wont be bothered by that for now, I just want to see Jock give the sheep some room.
Look out sheep pen, here we come!
Will post photo's, and training results if and when (god help me!) we get them.
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