Well, I've seen some pups do weird things over the years, like playing with their own tail. However, this boy Jock has taken it to a whole new level.
The tail must be the most fun a dog can have, I mean, its always there ready for play. It can't be lost or taken off you. If you chew it up, it's still yours, and best of all, no other dog can steal it!
The fun started when Jock was in his pen one evening and decided it was 'tail playing time'. However, the tip of his tail had fallen out through the bars of his pen. No matter, it's still my tail, I'll grab it anyway.
What he usually does is grab his tail, and circle the pen, usually falling over himself in the process. It seems to add to his fun!
Well, this time, his tail was outside of the pen (the white tip was, anyway) and he decided to grab it anyway. Unfortunately for him, he'd grabbed it on the wrong side of the bar, and couldn't figure out why he couldn't turn in circles! It had hiim baffled, and he couldn't figure out how to get out of this predicament (letting go of the tail obviously never occurred to him) so he decided to play with his hock instead. Yes, I said hock. You know, the knee joint on the back leg. Apparently grabbing that is just as much fun as grabbing a tail!
Low and behold, the minute he grabs his hock, his tail comes around to meet him.
The expression on his face said it all, he was ecstatic!
Gotta love puppies!
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