Yesterday the weather was kind to us so we managed to get a little bit of training in.
With all four lambs in the training pen, I set about widening Jock out to give the sheep more room. I'm very pleased to say that the advice Andy gave me worked beautifully. Jock is now running right out wide (as much as the pen will allow) to get around the sheep, but he is still ducking in at the last minute. Also, he has gotten very slack on his stops, tending to creep up behind the sheep. He's also ignoring the command to 'stand' and will get within touching distance of the bum of the sheep. It's proving to be very annoying!
Maybe Andy will have a suggestion or two for me on that one?
All in all it was a fairly good day, but the state of my yard suggests that I've done my last training session in it until after winter is over. It's turned to slush and is very slippery, making walking difficult. Also, with the weather getting so cold all of a sudden, I don't want to be running condition off my sheep. They are only young, and although they have plenty of wool on them, I'd like to see them with just a little more covering for the winter.
So, after a quick training session on Saturday (where we'll be working on stops, in the barn yard) we are taking a break for the winter months. Jock will undergo obedience training in the meantime which will hopefully get him a little more responsive when out working. If nothing else, it'll be something for him to do, and give him new things to learn as well!
More updates coming in the next day or so!
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