Friday, June 15, 2012

Photo's from out and about on the farm

Putting a stop to training for the time being has left at a little bit of a loss, so I decided to cruise around my computer looking for photo's that I could share.

Below are random photo's, complete with explanations.

This Koala decided that this was a pretty good tree to sit in. Although not common on our property (due to the lack of trees), we have been visited by two koala's in the last two years. An hour or so after this photo was taken he had moved on.

The water is just a small hint of what it can get like on this property after a decent downpour. This property doesn't appear to have a 'name' so I'm now calling it 'The Basin'!
Note the old shed in the background, this is our barn, and the sheep love going in there to get out of the weather.

A couple of bottle fed lambs from last year. This was their first afternoon out of my kitchen and into the sunshine. They don't exactly look impressed!

"Sheldon" coming in for a close-up!

This is not a black and white photo, just a picture taken late in the day, with the sky looking rather unsettled!

Same bottle babies, playing this time!

Gabby, now one of the ewes that I work Jock on (she's brown these days though!). She has the white patch on the top of her head, and also has a white top lip! Kind of cute I think.

We are very lucky on this property. Not only do we have the occasional Koala and Kangaroo, we also have a large family of Hares, the occasional fox, wood ducks on the dam, and our old hedge is full of blue and yellow wrens. We have a resident Tawny Frog Mouth Owl in the barn (who is busy building a nest), as well as Two Wedge Tailed Eagles that float over almost daily, and a couple of hawks that find the pickings rather good. Oh, and in the off season (now) we have lots of little frogs in, and around, the swimming pool!

It does't get much better than that. Actually, get the tiger snakes, brown snakes, red bellied black snakes, and copperheads off the property and I'd be much happier!

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